Real Estate Disclosures California: Seller Forms & Checklist

real estate disclosures california

Every seller has responsibilities, and understanding them is key to a smooth property transaction. That’s where real estate disclosures in California come in — these forms and checklists help you comply with state laws and disclose important information to potential buyers.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the various disclosure forms and provide a helpful checklist to ensure you don’t miss any crucial details.

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Real Estate Disclosures in California Sellers’ Guide

So, what do you have to disclose when selling a house in California?

Well, the State believes that buyers should have all the necessary information about a property before making one of the biggest purchases of their lives. This includes any known defects or potential issues that could affect the value or safety of the property.

Being transparent is vital to stay on the right side of California real estate laws.

By being forthright, you not only comply with state laws but also provide a more secure and reassuring home-buying experience for the potential buyer. Remember, your candidness today could protect you from legal trouble down the line.

What Are the Mandatory Real Estate Disclosures in California?

There are several mandatory disclosures that sellers in California are required to disclose during a real estate transaction. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: